Oare Church of England Primary School safeguarding is a top priority. All staff and volunteers are trained in safeguarding and safety procedures. Our designated safeguarding lead (DSL) is Nina Pugh; our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is Michelle Perrett and our Safeguarding Governor is Margaret Thompson. We expect all staff, volunteers, parents, carers and the wider school community to share our commitment to keeping our children safe. All visitors to our school are reminded of their safeguarding responsibility and any who do not have recognised, currently valid DBS clearance will be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.
Welcome from our Link Governor for Safeguarding
My name is Margaret Thompson and in addition to being Chair of Governors I am the Safeguarding Governor working with the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in supporting the school both in keeping the children safe whilst they are here and in promoting their welfare. This role is an important one since I must:
- understand the requirements of safeguarding as it is a governance requirement under the Education Act;
- check that the School is compliant with statutory guidance;
- ensure we have effective systems in place to keep all children, especially those who may be more vulnerable, safe.
Welcome from our Designated Safeguarding Lead
My name is Nina Pugh and my role as Class Teacher extends to being the Designated Safeguarding Lead at Oare Primary School. The safety and wellbeing of all the children at Oare Church of England Primary School is of paramount importance and the school has clear and concise procedures in place to ensure that every child and adult is safe. We meet all statutory requirements and regularly monitor safeguarding provision. We expect all staff, volunteers, parents, carers and the wider school community to share our commitment to safeguarding our children. Michelle Perrett is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead so there is always safeguarding expertise available in school.
If you have any safeguarding concerns we can be contacted on 01672 5633566.
Our comprehensive Safeguarding policy is reviewed and updated annually.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility; anyone can contact the NSPCC Helpline whenever they are worried about a child by calling 0808 800 500, email [email protected], text 88858 or contact online at nspcc.org.uk/helpline. The service is free, available 24/7 and calls can be made anonymously. This service can also be used for general advice and guidance.