Good attendance and punctuality give our children the best opportunity for success both academically and personally thus helping towards developing their skills for life. All children deserve to be able to make the most of the opportunities available to them at Oare Primary School.
- If your child is ill and unable to attend school, please call the office (01672 562256) before 9:15am on each day that they are absent from school, voicemail is available if the line is busy. Please note that the school has a 48 hour policy, meaning that your child is not allowed to attend school for 48 hours after they have been sick or had diarrhoea.
- If we do not receive notification about your child’s absence we will call you during the first session to enquire as to why your child is not in school. This is in line with recommended safeguarding procedures.
- If you are requesting that your child have time away from school for reasons not related to illness, please complete a leave of absence form available from the school office.
- Medical or other appointments in school time should be avoided if at all possible but if not a leave of absence form must be obtained from the school office. A half day is considered sufficient for most appointments.
- Please note that by law Principals are no longer permitted to grant leave of absence except in exceptional circumstances such as a family member funeral.
As part of our monitoring of attendance we conduct regular attendance audits. If we are concerned about your child’s attendance and the percentage drops to 90% or below we will contact you for an informal discussion about this and explore the reasons that are preventing your child from attending well. There are occasions when we will seek that support of the EWO (education welfare officer) if we are unable to resolve poor attendance and where we are concerned that poor attendance is a barrier to good educational outcomes.