Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
The ethos of our school is one which values the individuality of every student. To this end, the staff and governors are committed to a Special Educational Needs and Disability policy which seeks to meet the individual needs of each student, particularly by developing and reinforcing self-esteem and by encouraging a positive attitude to learning and to life. Every child is helped to achieve a feeling of success in some aspect of school life and every effort is made to instil a sense of pride in self and work.
We understand that educational needs range across the spectrum and more able children as well as those requiring support to access the curriculum, also have special educational needs.
We recognise that many of the learning difficulties may be temporary and can be overcome, so children with special educational needs are given the opportunity to benefit as fully as possible from a challenging education in a positive, inclusive environment.
Who’s who in our Pastoral Team
Mrs Flora Kay: Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-Ordinator (SENDCo)
Mrs Nina Pugh: Designated Safeguarding
Ms Michelle Perrett: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Sammy Halladay: Senior Mental Health Lead
The objectives of our SEND policy are:
- To identify and monitor children’s individual needs at the earliest possible stage so that appropriate provision can be put in place and progress is made in line with their peers.
- To plan an effective curriculum to meet the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities and ensure that the teaching and learning strategies used match identified needs.
- To involve children and parents in the identification and review of the teaching and learning strategies.
- To work in close partnership with and involve parents/carers of children who have special educational needs and disabilities
- To raise the self-esteem of children who have special educational needs and disabilities by acknowledging the progress they have made
- To ensure that all who are involved with children are aware of the procedures for identifying their needs, and how best to support and teach them
- To work in close partnership, where appropriate, with outside agencies to support the needs and provision for children who have special educational needs and disabilities.
Excalibur Academies Trust’s SEND Policy
2024-5 SEND information report Oare
The current SEND Code of Practice came into effect in September 2014 (see below). Wiltshire Council has also produced information to support parents. Called the Local Offer this is a statutory requirement as part of the new Code of Practice.