School Meals

Our children are encouraged to eat  healthily at breaktime and lunch.


Eating and playing together are important parts of the school day for our children. A school meal is available to order for lunchtime from Sue Brady Catering, aimed at providing a healthy well-balanced lunch. Meals can be ordered for a full term (Autumn: terms 1 & 2; Spring: terms 3 & 4; Summer: terms 5 & 6), or once a fortnight, Orders are placed directly with Sue Brady Catering 01672 519200. Menus are changed for each season.

Alternatively, children can bring their own lunch box to school and they are strongly encouraged for their lunch to be made up of healthy food.

We are a nut free school and your child must not bring anything to school that contains nuts.

Lunchtime is from midday until 1.00pm and is eaten in the Hall, usually the younger children eat first. When the children are not eating, they are out in the playground or on the school field if it is dry. The children are supervised at all times by our Midday Supervisory Assistants (MDSAs).


Universal Infant Free School Meals

All children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 are eligible for free school meals. We are keen to encourage all the children to have school lunches as research shows that having a good lunch helps learning and concentration. We have taster sessions where all children can try dishes from the school menu which we hope this will encourage them to eat them more regularly.


Free School Meals

You may be entitled to free school meals if you are in receipt of certain benefits. These include Income Support, Income based Job Seekers Allowance and Child Tax Credit amongst others. Even if your child is in KS1, please apply as the school receives additional funding (Pupil Premium) for every child entitled to income related free school meals.  You can ask at the school office for a form, or you can apply online here.

Children who receive the Pupil Premium are also entitled to free milk every day. If you wish your child to have this milk, please let us know in the school office.


Milk is provided free of charge to all children under 5. Children over 5 can sign up to the CoolMilk scheme where the parent will pay just £15 per term to get their children milk every day. You can sign up by clicking on this link. Milk is offered free to all children who receive free school meals. Please ask at the school office for details.

Water Bottles Are Welcome in Classrooms

It is very important to drink plenty of water as this helps our brains work better. At Oare Church of England Primary School we encourage children to bring in a named water bottle to use during the day. Only water should be drunk regularly in this way.

Children may drink squash, juice or milk at lunch time if parents wish. Water is available at lunchtime for all children in the Hall.

Our School meals are provided by Sue Brady Catering 01672 519200.